New Updates

1. Adjustment Entry-(Ledger Balance Adjustment)-
To change the balance of the ledger for a particular date, we use the above option. The difference will show as Trial balance difference.
2. Ledger Bulk Update (Master Data)
The Ledger Bulk update help in change the details/ Particulars detail of the Ledger
Both option are available in the Menu of Utility
Production Process
1. A Check box is available to duplicate the Process of any existing process for creation of new process with same Items

1. Item Block- Unblock using Bulk Update and Item Status (Blocked or Active) add in Inventory and Stock Report – Helps to block any item and unblock any item and block item can’t be used for sale or purchase.
2. Inventory Report (Summary)-Configuration Dropdown is added for only needed option like opening/ closing/ inward/ outward to be shown.
3. Item Customer type Rate Search filter of Attribute added
4. A new report for stock journal and production process item a STOCK JOURNAL AND PRODUCED ITEM REPORT is added in Inventory section
5. To update Item details, Item Master Data Bulk Update in Item Bulk Update under Item Master is available
1. Voucher Entry Actions rights (Customer-Receipt, Vendor-Payment, Contra, Journal, Receipt, Payment) manage by User Setups Settings under Configuration >> User Setup, To Edit the voucher entry- The setting name Allow voucher entry actions.
2. Edit Permission in User-Rights (Image Attached)
3. Voucher Entry SUM in the transaction view-
Sum in bottom of CR DR in voucher entry Transaction view.
1. A report of Lead Follow-ups Reports added
2. Total Km for CRM Customer Visit and Customer Attendance added
3. Filter Improved in Location Tracking
1. CRM APP New Order with (Beta version)
2. Total KM distance with CRM APP location improvement
1. option for sending Whatsapp Link for Proforma / Vouchers(Receipt,Payment)/Quotation
1. Sale Challan (Sale challan to Sale generation issues fixed)
2. Sale Prints issues
3. Filter Added in Audit Trail Sections
4. Send Whatsapp Link of Proforma / Receipt Print

Saniiro Business accouting software is now Integrated with NSDL for E-invocing

New E invoice generation view Different Transaction Type and Document Type

Dynamic Property for Sale, Purchase, Item added
on Print these will appear
note : suggest for filter purpose

Cash/Bank with Receipt/Payment Voucher Import Added on Voucher Entry
Receipt and Payment Voucher Print Changes with Multiple Selected Ledgers and against Settled Voucher Details