Accounting Software

Accounting Software & Financial Software Features at a glance

Automated Financial Processes

Automated, flexible financial processes

Accounting Business Insights

Business Insight

Accounting Software Imrove Productivity

Cloud architecture for lower IT cost and improve productivity

Separate Reporting System

Multiple company combined reporting and separate reporting

Financial Management functions

Automate and streamline core financial management functions

Voucher Entry

Party creation and voucher entry

Project accounting software

Fund accounting and project accounting

Revenue recognition Management Software

Revenue recognition and management

Maintain Accurae audit

Maintaining a complete and accurate audit trail

Minizing overall paperwork

Minimizing overall paperwork

Time & Expense capture

Time and expense capture

Account Receivable

Accounts receivable (order to cash)

Account Payable

Accounts payable(procure to payment)

Financial transparency system

Full financial transparency

Tax compliance

Tax compliance and simplification

Cost saving & Security

Cost saving and security

Financia; Statement

Preparation of financial statements i.e. TB, P2C, BS

Cash Flow Statement

Cash flow and fund flow statements

Bank Reconciliation

Bank reconciliation

Advance Reporting

Advance reporting

Ratio analysis

Ratio analysis

Amortizing Prepaid expenses

Amortizing prepaid expenses

Depreciating Assets according

Depreciating assets according to accepted schedules

Keeping track Liabilities

Keeping track of liabilities

Income Statements

Coordinating income statements, expense statements, and balance sheets

Multiple Bank Accounts

Balancing multiple bank accounts

Ensuring Data Integrity

Ensuring data integrity and security

Records up to date

Keeping all records up to date

Cost center accounting and reporting

Accounting Software comparision

Comparison with previous year figures